Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about Review over the Paradox of Sitting Bull

In the late 1800’s the Americans viciously forced many Native Americans off their lands all because the federal government wanted the U.S. to expand and obtain Manifest Destiny. The main Native American and tribe that stood against the federal government was Sitting Bull, Chief of the Sioux and entire Lakota nation. He led a large amount of Sioux warriors in many battles against the American government that were fought over the rights and lands of the Lakota nation. He was against the American government and the forceful ways that they took over Indian lands, and therefore he used his strong, spiritual leadership abilities to battle against the American government as well as the U.S army. The author of the biography Sitting Bull and the†¦show more content†¦Colonel Harney and his men then marched to Little Thunder’s camp and surprised the entire camp forcing Little Thunder to surrender 250 of his warriors and men. Even though the camp had surrendered Colone l Harney went back into the camp and killed 86 Sioux, 70 of which were women and children. One of the effects that came from this and Harney’s campaign in 1855 was that he forced the Sioux to sign yet another treaty. This treaty stated that the Sioux tribe would have to surrender all stolen lands as well as surrendering any man that is found guilty of killing a white man. 3) (a) Describe the events leading up to the signing of the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868. (b) What did the treaty stipulate? (c) Did the Lakotas fully understand its provisions? (a) A tribe called Red Cloud that is a branch of the Lakotas that continued to attack the lands outside their tribal territory. They attacked wagons and stole all the supplies that they could. This triggered a response by the American army, and Colonel Henry B. Carrington led the men that would eventually stop these attacks. With Colonel Carrington leading the attack he ordered Captain William J. 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